Divisible poles

Divisible masts
At Lumedi, we strive for everyone to enjoy our attractive flagpole Christmas trees. No flagpole in the garden? Our divisible flagpoles offer the flexibility to place an outdoor Christmas tree in any location in the garden. This temporary flagpole has a diameter of 5 cm and is made of strong aluminum. The mast is easy to slide together and comes with a ground tube, mast knob, frog and cord.
A divisible flagpole in various lengths
Lumedi's divisible masts are available in 3 lengths, namely 6, 7 or 8 meters. The 6-meter mast is available in silver or black. The other lengths are only available in black. A divisible mast is easy to install, after which the Christmas lights can be hoisted via the cord.
Our strong and easy to install masts ensure that everyone can enjoy our attractive Lumedi flagpole Christmas trees.